Jumat, 12 September 2008

2010 FIFA World Cup™ - Official Emblem

The 2010 identity is unique, vibrant and dynamic, graphically encapsulating the African continent while more intimately dipping into South Africa's rich and colourful heritage for inspiration.

The graphic figure strikes a resemblance to the earliest rock art paintings for which our country is also famous. This figure is caught in mid-action performing a bicycle kick - a style of play that captures the flair of African football.

The figure is lucid, energetic and indirectly illustrates an inherent passion for the beautiful game. It is kicking a football upwards - an invitation from Africa to other nations of the world to join the game.

The actual ball is a modern representation of a football, suggesting that it belongs to FIFA. And for the first time ever, this ball that has traveled across the globe will touch African soil.

The colourful backdrop behind the figure represents the South African national flag. The ‘swishes' extend upwards, from south to north, reaching out to the world. They embody the energy, diversity and fiery passion of our country, and they symbolise the rise of the rainbow nation.

The typeface is an original creation. It reflects our personality and reinforces the idea that in South Africa we do things uniquely. It is playful, naïve and free-spirited. It is also bold, welcoming and friendly.

The logo is celebratory in nature and energetic in its feel.

Kamis, 11 September 2008

Info Gempa 17 September 2009

Indonesia Menunggu Datangnya Gempa Dahsyat Lebih Dari 9 SR

Baru saja diberitakan oleh TV CNN pada tanggal 17 September 2009 tentang Datangnya Gempa Dahsyat yang lebih atau sekitar 9 SR disekitar Sumatra Barat. CNN melakukan peninjauan khusus bersama pemburu Gempa dari California Technology Institute. Pemburu gempa ini adalah geoloog dari CalTech yang meneliti semua gempa2 yang muncul di Indonesia terutama yang terakhir ini yang katanya mengakibatkan kerak bumi melipat sehingga menimbulkan gempa sekitar 7 SR lebih baru2 ini. Akibat dari kerak bumi yang melipat sehingga overlap satu dengan lainnya yang terjadi diwilayah sekitar SumBar, akan memaksa efek balik seperti pegas, karena lipatan ini akan berusaha mengembalikan atau meratakan kerak bumi yang melipat ini seperti ibaratnya pegas yang apabila kita tekuk akan menimbulkan kekuatan yang arahnya sebaliknya dari arah tenaga yang menekuknya untuk kembali ke bentuk semula.

Reaksi balik pegas akan terjadi terhadap kerak bumi yang melipat akibat gempa baru2 ini yang besarnya sekitar 7 SR itu, namun reaksi balik pegas ini akan berakibat gempa yang besarnya lebih dari 7 SR yang diperkirakan sebesar 9 SR atau lebih. Menurut ahli geologi pemburu gempa ini, gempa yang ditunggu itu akan muncul dalam waktu dekat. Tidak ada yang bisa dilakukan selain mengumumkannya kepada masyarakat luas diwilayah SumBar untuk ber-jaga2 datangnya gempa ini yang kemungkinan akan disertai Tsunami. Persiapan mental dibutuhkan masyarakat agar dengan persiapan yang baik maka datangnya gempa tidak akan menimbulkan kepanikan sehingga jatuh korban yang jauh lebih besar. Kapan tepatnya kedatangan gempa dahsyat ini, sang pemburu gempa sendiri tidak bisa memastikan. Namun sang pemburu gempa ini menyatakan akan tetap mengejar gempa dahsyat ini untuk menyaksikannya sendiri bersama masyarakat.

Kalo benar gempa dahsyat ini benar akan muncul, maka gempa ini adalah yang terbesar sepanjang sejarah bumi ini, karena gempa yang terjadi dalam dongeng Sodom dan Gomorah saja hanya berkisar kurang dari 8 SR. Dengan pemberitahuan ini sang pemburu gempa mengharapkan agar berita ini disebarluaskan sementara katanya pemerintah justru menutupi berita ini untuk mencegah kepanikan.
Padahal menurut pemburu gempa ini, berita ini justru harus disebar luaskan sehingga masyarakat bisa mengadakan persiapan yang tidak akan menimbulkan kepanikan.

Semoga rekan2 di Indonesia bisa menyebar luaskan berita ini sehingga persiapan2 yang diperlukan bisa dilakukan sesuai dengan petunjuk2 para ahli2 gempa dunia.

Drs. Ir. Anton A. Nangoy, MBA

Living or Travelling in Indonesia: Some Guidelines

You're not in Kansas anymore. Everything is different. Roll with the punches. Dismiss the idea that things are pretty much the same the world over. At first it will be the big things.

The Weather

Indonesia is a hot country. It's hot and it's humid. It's hot in the way that people will pay a small fortune to expose themselves to for two weeks. You'll notice the heat the moment you step off the plane. You will find it hard to believe, but you will get used to it and after a few weeks you'll hardly be aware of it. Checking weather forecasts will be a thing of the past. Talking about the weather simply doesn't exist as conversation filler in Indonesia, because there's nothing to say. How's the weather? Hot and sunny. Except when it's raining. Then it's hot and sunny again. So, bottom line? During the rainy season it rains every day. Hard. During the dry season, it doesn't. We're not talking about a Vancouver/Liverpool kind of bleak, dreary gloom that seems interminable and goes on for months on end. It's hot and you'll see a lot of sun. It's just that for an hour or two it buckets down; it might be overcast for part or even most of the day, but you will see the sun regularly and even in the monsoon time of the year, Indonesia will maintain its reputation as a tropical paradise.

The People

You might find that you simply don't see another Westerner or European for weeks at a time. You might meet Indonesians who speak English, but their language skills will vary and most won't understand a word you say. Don't forget that you're the foreigner. Just out of common courtesy, try to learn some rudimentary words as soon as you can. The mere fact that you attempt to communicate in the local language will go a long way. Indonesians are the friendliest and most outgoing people you will ever meet; they are fascinated by foreigners and very hospitable to strangers.

Obama rejects 'lipstick' charge

The US Democratic presidential candidate has denied claims of sexism after likening his rival's promise of change to putting "lipstick on a pig".

Barack Obama said Republican John McCain's outrage was "phoney", a diversion from debating real issues.

The controversy began on Tuesday after Mr Obama said his rival was advocating change while pursuing the politics of the current Bush administration.

Mr McCain's campaign accused him of smearing running mate Sarah Palin.

Mrs Palin joked last week that lipstick was all that separated a "hockey mom" and a pitbull.

'Made-up' controversy

Mr Obama made the remark during a rally in Virginia where he accused the McCain campaign of trying suddenly to adopt the promise of change - a platform he himself has been running on for months.

Drawing a link between the Republican senator for Arizona and President George W Bush, he suggested change would be impossible for Mr McCain to achieve.
The famously thin-skinned porcine population of the US is up in trotters about the imputation of cross-dressing
Matt Frei
BBC World News America

Pigs and lipstick

"You can put lipstick on a pig. It's still a pig. You can wrap up an old fish in a piece of paper and call it change. It's still going to stink after eight years. We've had enough."

Mrs Palin, a self-described "hockey mom", made her joke about lipstick during a speech at the Republican National Convention last Wednesday.

Soon after Mr Obama's comments, McCain aides produced an election campaign ad referring to "sexism in American life", and accusing the Illinois senator of "smearing" Mrs Palin, governor of Alaska.

And there was speculation that Mr Obama might apologise, but he took a more aggressive line, says the BBC's Kevin Connolly in Washington.

He dismissed the "made-up controversy" on Wednesday - defending his remark as an "innocent expression".

Mr Obama said his comments had been taken out of context.

"The McCain campaign would much rather have the story about phoney and foolish diversions than about the future," the Illinois senator said.

Republicans may well try to keep the controversy going, although one difficulty for them is that John McCain has himself used the offending phrase, our Washington correspondent says.

Mr McCain had used the same analogy to criticise a health care plan presented by former Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton last year.

The row erupted as a new poll by the Wall Street Journal and NBC News suggested that Mr Obama and Mr McCain were in a statistical dead heat. Mr Obama held a lead of several points earlier this summer.

Another poll by CNN and the Opinion Research Foundation also put the rival candidates in a statistical tie, with Mr Obama polling 49% to Mr McCain's 48%.

The latest Gallup daily tracking poll of registered voters gave Mr McCain a lead of 49% to Mr Obama's 44%.(BBC)

Croatia 1-4 England

Theo Walcott hit a stunning hat-trick as England thrashed Croatia in a World Cup qualifying tie in Zagreb.

The 19-year-old got the nod to start ahead of David Beckham and he drilled England ahead, before Robert Kovac was sent off for an elbow on Joe Cole.

Walcott grabbed a carbon-copy second and soon after the exceptional Wayne Rooney slotted in a brilliant third.

Mario Mandzukic notched a consolation for Croatia, before Walcott collected Rooney's pass and rolled in his third.

It was a magnificent performance and more than coach Fabio Capello can have dreamed of.

The result puts England firmly in control of Group Six after two wins in five days, but Capello will be even more delighted by the manner of his team's triumph.

Croatia suffered their first competitive defeat at home and it was sweet revenge for England, beating the team that ended their hopes of qualifying for Euro 2008.
I can't believe I'm saying this, but what a GREAT performance by England

It was a far cry from England's limp displays under Steve McClaren and they were far superior in every department.

In the wonderful Walcott, they had a player who frightened the life out of the hosts whenever he got the ball.

The Arsenal winger gave the ball away with his first involvement, but from then on everything he touched seemed to turn to goals as he wreaked havoc down the right flank.

With Gareth Barry and Frank Lampard dominating in midfield and Rooney linking play up between the midfield and Emile Heskey, England pinned Croatia back into their own half from the start.

After Heskey had a decent shout for a penalty waved away, Walcott put England in front with his first goal for his country.

There was a stroke of fortune about it as Danijel Pranjic's clearance cannoned straight into Robert Kovac and when the ball fell to Walcott inside the box on the right, he lashed it into the bottom corner.

A minute later Walcott's cross-shot from a similar position was touched behind by keeper Stipe Pletikosa, before Josip Simunic was booked for a cynical foul as Walcott's pace terrorised Croatia once more.

The only disappointment for England was a head injury to Joe Cole

Eight minutes after the break Croatia suffered a hammer blow when Robert Kovac went up for a challenge with Joe Cole and appeared to lead with his elbow, causing the Chelsea midfielder to bleed from a wound on his head.

Kovac was rightly sent off and Cole had to be stretchered off, but six minutes later England went 2-0 ahead when the sublime Rooney - enjoying a glorious return to form wearing the three lions - beautifully teed up Walcott to smash in his second.

England were rampant, and Jermaine Jenas scampered away down the left and pulled the ball back for Rooney to open up his body and direct the ball into the corner.

It was like watching England at their Euro 96 best as they passed the ball around with devastating accuracy and Lampard was cruelly denied a goal after another gorgeous team move when his goal was ruled out for a foul committed by Heskey.

Croatia were all over the place, but they managed a consolation when Darijo Srna broke and he fed Mandzukic to drive the ball under David James.

England were not done, though, and Rooney turned provider once more to slip Walcott in on goal, the former Southampton star racing through and keeping his head to slot under Pletikosa to complete his treble.

It was the first competitive hat-trick for an England player since Michael Owen bagged three against Germany in the 5-1 win in Munich in 2001, and they can be every bit as pleased with this result in the cauldron of the Maksimir Stadium.

Croatia: Pletikosa, Simunic, Robert Kovac, Corluka, Pranjic, Rakitic, Petric (Knezevic 56), Nico Kovac (Pokrivac 62), Srna, Modric, Olic (Mandzukic 73).
Subs Not Used: Runje, Krizanac, Leko, Klasnic.

Sent Off: Robert Kovac (53).

Booked: Simunic, Srna.

Goals: Mandzukic 78.

England: James, Brown, Terry (Upson 88), Ferdinand, Ashley Cole, Walcott (Beckham 84), Lampard, Barry, Joe Cole (Jenas 55), Rooney, Heskey.
Subs Not Used: Robinson, Johnson, Downing, Defoe.

Booked: Heskey.

Goals: Walcott 26, 59, Rooney 63, Walcott 82.

Att: 35,000.

Ref: Lubos Michel (Slovakia).

Kapolda Izinkan Laga Kandang Persib Kecuali di Siliwangi

Bandung - Kapolda Jabar Irjen Pol Susno Duadji memberi sinyal positif untuk digelarnya sisa partai kandang Persib Bandung di wilayah Jawa Barat kecuali Stadion Siliwangi, dengan disaksikan pendukungnya.

Kabid Humas Polda Jabar Kombes Pol Dade Ahmad saat dihubungi detikbandung melalui telepon, Selasa (9/9/2008), menyatakan Kapolda Jabar telah mempertimbangkan untuk memberi izin pertandingan kandang dengan disaksikan penonton.

"Keputusan resminya sih belum, karena masih dikaji. Tapi kemarin Pak Kapolda sudah memberikan sinyal untuk pemberian izin laga kandang Persib dengan penonton untuk sisa laga di Liga Super Indonesia ini, tapi tidak bisa di Stadion Siliwangi," katanya.

Kapolda, lanjut Dade, lebih menyarankan agar laga kandang digelar di Stadion Jalak Harupat, Soreang. "Dilarang di Stadion Siliwangi pertama karena letaknya berada di pusat kota, serta daya tampung stadion yang tak cukup," terangnya.

Dengan keluarnya izin laga kandang ini, Kapolda mengimbau agar para bobotoh tak lagi berlaku anarkis dan tetap menjunjung sportivitas. "Mau menang atau pun kalah ya biasa. Namanya juga bertanding. Para bobotoh harus mau terima apa pun hasilnya. Mereka harus dewasa," tegas Dade.

Sesuai jadwal pada 22 September mendatang akan digelar laga kandang antara Persib dan PSIS Semarang dan pada 27 September Persib vs Pelita Jaya.

Pasca kerusuhan usai kekalahan Persib dari Persija pada 20 Juli lalu, Kapolda tak mengizinkan adanya pertandingan laga kandang. Bahkan Badan Liga Indonesia menghukum para bobotoh untuk tak boleh memakai atribut Persib selama satu tahun.

Kemudian barulah pada 16 Agustus 2008 lalu, sikap Kapolda melunak. Dia memberikan izin laga kandang antara Persib vs Persitara di Stadion Siliwangi. Namun pertandingan ini digelar tanpa penonton.

Senin, 08 September 2008

Rooney unfazed by England drought

Wayne Rooney insists his England goalscoring record is not weighing on his mind as he approaches Wednesday's World Cup qualifier against Croatia. 

The Manchester United striker has scored only five times for England in four years and was again off target in Saturday's 2-0 victory over Andorra. 

However, ahead of the crunch game in Zagreb, he said of his lack of goals for England: "I've no problem with it. 

"It's a new campaign, a new start and hopefully we can do well." 

Observers have noted Rooney's other contributions aside from goalscoring and he showed the creative side of his game in setting up Joe Cole's second goal at the Olympic Stadium in Barcelona at the weekend.

Midfielder Frank Lampard agrees that Rooney need not worry about his recent lack of international goals. 

"The thing with Wayne is that he is not just a goalscorer," stated the Chelsea star. 

"He is a creator and works hard for the team, creating angles, not only an out-and-out striker." 

Rooney insists his only concern is a good team performance and he added: "Croatia are a good footballing team and we know we'll have to be at the top of our game. 

"We'll have to defend well, first of all, and create opportunities going forward. Hopefully we can do that." 
 606: DEBATE 
England shall have to do much better against Croatia on Wednesday 

The meeting will be the first between the sides since England's disastrous 3-2 defeat at Wembley in November 2007, a loss that resulted in then manager Steve McClaren's squad failing to qualify for Euro 2008. 

However, captain John Terry and former skipper David Beckham are insistent that the match is not about revenge. 

"It's not about having a score to settle," said Beckham. "We just want to get a good result and put a good performance in. 

"We know Croatia have got some really good players and we know it's very hostile there but we have to forget about what has gone on in the past. This is the present and we have to work towards what we want to achieve in this group." 

Terry commented: "I don't want to get across any kind of revenge message but, at the same time, it's a new campaign and we are going there to pick up three points so if we can get off to a good six-point start then we will take that. 

"We have to rise to the challenge. We know it's difficult and we know they have not been beaten there for a long time. 

"We have to go there with a clean slate and not think about the last game we played against them."